Below graph displays the Belgian UNFCCC CRF Emission Inventory Data for the year 2018 (submission 2020), using hierarchical data from the European Environmental Agency (EEA, May 2020) and some extracts of the National Inventory Report of Belgium.
It displays the emissions in Gg/kt CO2eq for all greenhouse gasses combined, for all non-empty categories except LULUCF and international bunkers. Clicking on a category gives a breakdown of the selected parent category.
The application in development can be found on GitHub and CodeSandbox. The purpose is to create an interactive UNFCCC CRF Sunburst/timeline/...-explorer for all countries that reported their emission inventory to the UNFCCC, using a country- and year-selection functionality. These and additional feature ideas are listed in the GitHub Issues. Contribution guidelines are listed in the readme. You're welcome to suggest other features and contribute!